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Moen Solutions

Smart Faucet-Google Voice

How it Works:

Q. When making a request, do I need to use the faucet name? 

   A. If you have more than one Moen Smart Faucet, you will need to say the name of the faucet you want to use. If you only have one Smart Faucet, there's no need to use the faucet name. 

Q. Will Google default to my faucet if I only have one faucet?

A. Yes, Google defaults to the only Moen Smart Faucet available if you do not have multiple faucets.

Q.  If I have more than one faucet, how do I specify which faucet I'd like to use?

A. If you have more than one faucet, you will need to use the name to specify which faucet you'd like to use with Google Voice control. Here is an example: "Ok Google, fill up one cup of water from (faucet name)

Q. Do I need to say the faucet name when I have multiple faucets?

A. Yes, you will need to use the name of the intended Smart Faucet in your request so that Google knows which faucet to use.

Q. Can I say both "Ok Google" and "Hey Google" to start my request?

A. Yes, either method works when starting your request.

Q. Can I say "ask Moen" as part of the request?

A. No, the phrase "ask Moen" does not work for Google Voice control

Q. Can I ask Google to "Wash My Hands"?

A. No, the "Wash My Hands" command is currently only available with Amazon Alexa.

Q. Which Moen products are compatible with Google Voice?

A. Google Voice capabilities are currently available for Moen Smart Faucets and Smart Sprinkler Controllers in the same action. There is also a separate Google action for Smart Showers.

Dispensing Water:


Q. Can I ask Google to dispense a specific amount of water at a precise temperature? 

A. You can ask for a specific amount of water using one of the three set temperatures (Hot, Warm, Cold) that you can customize in the Moen Smart Water App. You can also create a preset in the app with a specified temperature and amount of water. It's not currently possible to make an impromptu verbal request for an amount of water at a specific temperature. 

Q. Can I dispense water in different units of measurement?

A. Yes, there are a number of different units of measure that you can specify for the volume/amount of water. Here is an example: "Ok Google, dispense 5 cups cold water."

Q. Can I run my Moen Smart Water App presets from Google?

A. Yes, your presets are linked and can be initiated through Google Assistant verbally. Just say, "Ok Google, fill the (preset name) from (faucet name)."

Q. Can I ask for a specific amount of water dispensed at one of the three preset temperatures?

A. Yes, you can combine a preset temperature (Hot, Warm or Cold) with the specific volume of water you need. Here is an example: "Ok Google, dispense 1 cup of warm water."

Setting Temperature:

Q.Where do I specify the preset temperatures of Hot, Warm and Cold to use in voice commands?

A. Click on the gear icon within the Moen Smart Water App to access the settings. Then click on "General Settings" which will display a screen where you can customize the settings for these three temperatures.

Q. Why does it seem to take a long time for my faucet to reach the desired temperature?

A. Timing depends on which temperature you request, how your water is heated, how far it must travel in your home and the location of your Smart Faucet.

Q. Can I ask Google to give me the hottest water possible?

A. Yes, just say, "Ok Google, dispense hottest water."


Q. Can I turn the water on with Google Voice?

A. Yes, you can turn the water on with Google Voice by saying, "Turn the faucet on" or "Turn the (faucet name) on."

Q. Can I turn the water off with Google Voice?

A. Yes, you can turn the water off by saying, "Turn the (faucet name) off."

Q. Can I turn the water on at a specific temperature with Google Voice?

A. Yes, you can turn the water on at a specific temperature by saying, "Turn on (faucet name) at (temperature) degrees."



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