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Moen Solutions


What do I name a preset?
We recommend your preset name reflects what container you are filling or the intended water usage. For example, “water bottle,” “coffee pot,” or “dog bowl.” A short clear name will make it easier for your voice assistant to understand.
What is flow rate?
Flow rate is a measurement of water running through your device. The device will default to maximum flow unless specified.
How do I edit or delete a preset?
To edit your preset, use the Devices icon on the bottom menu to navigate to a list of devices. Select the device which owns the preset. Go to the Presets tab, and tap the one you would like to edit. To delete a preset, tap the delete button while editing the preset. You may also swipe left on the preset name from the preset list. You can also add presets from your home screen by swiping left on the list of presets until the Add Preset button is visible, and then tap.
How do I make a preset from history?
To create a preset from history, use the Devices icon on the bottom menu to navigate to a list of devices. Select the device you just used. Scroll down on the Overview tab to Recent History. Tap on the history entry to create the preset from. Confirm your intention to create the preset. Add a name for the preset in the top field. And finally, tap Save to create the preset. It will now be available within the Moen app and through your voice assistant.
What do I say to my Alexa/Google Home to use my presets?
For your Google Home say “Hey Google, tell Moen to” then say “fill my”, “dispense”, or “run” and finally add the name of your preset. For your Alexa say “Alexa, tell Moen to” then say “fill my”, “dispense”, or “run” and finally add the name of your preset. For more information, navigate to you device and select the Tips tab. There will be detailed information and examples for many different voice interactions.








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