Setup - Smart Leak Detector
This article includes detailed information on the:
- Flo by Moen app, also known as the Smart Water Network app or the Moen Smart Water app
- Smart Leak Detector, also known as the Smart Water Detector
Before pairing your Smart Smart Leak Detector, please make sure you’ve completed the following steps:
To start using your Smart Leak Detector, you’ll need to pair it to your local Wi-Fi through the Flo by Moen App. First, remove your Smart Leak Detector from the box and make sure you’re within range of your Wi-Fi router. Open the Flo by Moen App. Make sure you’ve selected the correct location if you have more than one. Then, select Add New Device, and add your Smart Leak Detector. Give your Smart Leak Detector a nickname. We recommend naming it with the location of where it will be placed for easy identification. Next, remove the Wall Mount from your Smart Leak Detector, then the top cover by twisting the Smart Leak Detector open. Remove the battery insulator to allow power to begin flowing through the Smart Leak Detector. When the Smart Leak Detector light begins blinking blue, it is ready to pair. If the light does not begin blinking blue after this step, press and hold the reset button located below the battery for 5 seconds to activate pairing mode. Once you’ve checked both boxes and hit Next, you’ll be ready to connect your phone to the Smart Leak Detector. You may skip the following step if you are on an Android, as it will automatically connect to your device for you. For iPhones, open the Wi-Fi settings on your phone and connect to your Smart Leak Detector. Select FloDetector-xxxx on the Wi-Fi list, then return to the Flo by Moen App. Standby while the firmware updates. When the list of available Wi-Fi networks loads, choose your home Wi-Fi network and enter your Wi-Fi password. Wait a few minutes until pairing has completed. If you have a Flo Smart Water Monitor and Shutoff and would like it to turn off your home’s water when the Smart Leak Detector senses water, you can choose that option next. Next, you’ll be able to customize your alert settings for humidity, room temperature, and battery level. You will receive alerts on your smartphone, via the Flo by Moen App, based on the thresholds you choose for these categories if you choose to enable them. Congratulations! Your Smart Leak Detector is ready for use. Place it in your desired location to begin leak Detection. You may pair multiple Smart Leak Detectors to your account, along with the Flo Smart Water Monitor and Shutoff for whole-home protection from leaks and water damage. To learn more about the Smart Leak Detector, its configurations and functionality, visit our video library for further guidance. If you have additional questions, email or call 844-MEET-FLO. |